Thoughts on practice from a mom’s perspective

Lately I’ve been thinking about what “practice” is to me. Mostly triggered by the fact that on some days I simply cannot find the time or energy to get onto my yoga mat. If you’re a mom of a toddler, you might understand why. It’s a 24h a day job without even lunch break.

Pre baby I was used to a 2hr morning practice EVERY morning except for Saturdays and moon days. These days if I find time for a 2 hr practice it’s close to a miracle. Most days it will be half an hour, some days I can’t get on the mat the whole day and then do a little meditation before going to bed. But then, does it mean that I didn’t practice that day? Or do I have to rethink my concept of practice? Can practice only take place on a sticky mat? And only while putting my body into the shape of a yoga posture?

I‘ve been reading „The path with heart“ by Jack Kornfield recently and he challenged me to question my compartmentalized thinking of what is part of my spiritual practice and what is not. Is caring for my child any less sacred and spiritual than Trikonasana? Doesn’t bringing a baby to sleep take even more patience and humbleness than practicing a handstand?

So I come to realize that my practice in this phase of my life right now is mostly taking place outside the four corners of my yoga mat. It’s the time in my life of a very intense practice called raising a child. It teaches more than any yoga postures could ever teach what it means to love with an unconditional, selfless, open heart, humble and patient enough to fully be present in each moment and happily give your full attention to your child.

Since I realized that wherever I am is where my practice takes place, I’ve had very clear and amazingly beautiful, meditative moments while playing with my baby. I can see how much I can learn from him. He is 100% present and aware in each moment. No matter where we are and what we do the only thing on his mind is to learn, explore and enjoy the moment. I feel like I still have a lot to practice and learn from him. In a way my baby is my most important teacher right now. And I’m beyond grateful for his teachings.